Giver of Gifts   Words: Brenton Prigge © 2009 New Hymn CCLI # 5418455

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© 2005 Brenton Prigge


Suggested Tune ST. DENIO ( Welsh Hymn Tune [click on tune name to play midi]

CCLI license holders may freely use and reproduce these lyrics, provided that CCLI copyright protocol is followed. (See Copyright Info)

1. We grumble and mumble so often, so much,
we lose sight of all you have given to us;
despite your provision each day, all the way,
"We're sick of this Manna, we're hungry" we say!

2.  In dissatisfaction we gripe and rebel,
rejecting the One who has loved us so well;
but turning our backs we are turning away
the Love and the Life and the Light of God's grace.

3.  We feel judged and punished when we look around
and darkness and death and grim coldness abound
but come now, what else could we really expect
if Light and if Life and if Love we reject?

4.  Yet ever and always that great Love shines on,
and offers us Life once again in the Son,
no merit award nor an earning is this:
along with the Giver come freely the gifts.

5.  So let us lift high our dear Saviour divine,
as we live in love, let His glory so shine
that all who are seeking may see and believe,
and with the Redeemer redemption receive.

Based on Revised Common Lectionary (B) for 4 th Sunday of Lent:

Numbers 21:4-9Psalm 107:1-3; 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21