Choices   Words: Brenton Prigge © 2006 New Hymn CCLI # 4810676

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© 2005 Brenton Prigge


CCLI license holders may freely use and reproduce these lyrics, provided that CCLI copyright protocol is followed. (See Copyright Info)

Suggested Tune St Cuthberts (

1. At junctions and at crossing roads -
a myriad every day -
we plot our course by what we choose;
choose life this day!


2.  One choice becomes the final word
in choices that we make:
"Choose you this day whom you will serve;"
choose life this day!

3.  Now every time we face a choice
our choice for life decides:
Our guide will be the Saviour's voice;
His words are life!

4.  Oh armour us against the lure
to take the easy way;
in you our Refuge is secure
today, always.

5.  At junctions and at crossing roads -
a myriad every day -
we choose to follow your sweet voice;
choose life always!


Based on Revised Common Lectionary (B) for Proper 16/21st Ordinary:

1 Kings 8:(1,6,10,11),22-30, 41-43 or Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Psalm 84 or Psalm 34:15-22

Ephesians 6:10-20

John 6:56-69