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Suggested Tune Something for thee ( 6 6.5.) [click tune name to play midi]
1. How can I hold my tongue
basking in the light?
Your steadfast love, O Lord
is my pure delight.
In shadow of your wings
my soul in rapture sings -
once more I see you bring
fledgling day from night.
2. What can I do but praise
your transforming grace?
Once I was desolate,
hopeless in disgrace;
forsaken now no more,
in Christ I find the door,
fling myself to the floor
here before your Face!
3. Plain, simple though I am,
nothing grand or fine,
your touch brings greater things -
water into wine!
Your Gifts enable me,
Your Guidance helps me see,
Your pow'r is changing me,
Holy Ghost Divine!
4. Each change you bring in me
magnifies your Name;
grow in me ways to serve
to increase your fame!
Fountain of lasting Life,
you end our dying night;
now dawns your living Light
keeping best for last!
Based on Revised Common Lectionary (C) for 2nd after Epiphany / Ordinary 2
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 36:5-10
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11