Your Fingerprint Words: Brenton Prigge © 2005 New Hymn CCLI # 4524230

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© 2005 Brenton Prigge


CCLI license holders may freely use and reproduce these lyrics, provided that CCLI copyright protocol is followed. (See Copyright Info)

Suggested Tune BEVAN ( 8.)

Eternal God Triune,

when will your servants learn?

We grow so out of tune,

sometimes we don't discern

on everything: Your fingerprint!

On everyone: Your fingerprint!


O Abba, what could seal

the love poured out from you

onto the potters wheel?

For we have not been true:

So smudged on us: Your fingerprint!

So faint on us: Your fingerprint!


Son of God, Living Word,

you gave us free by grace

what we could not afford.

In you we found God's face.

On you we saw: God's fingerprint!

Clearly we saw: God's fingerprint!


God's Spirit, make us one.

Collect your broken shards,

we're useless on our own!

Create then your collage;

Rebuild again: Your fingerprint!

Make clear on us: Your fingerprint!


Now make us bold to go

for you into the world,

and eagerly make known

the holy Triune Lord.

Good News we share: Your fingerprint!

Good deeds we do: Your fingerprint!



Based on lections from RCL (A) for Trinity Sunday:

Genesis 1:1 - 2:4a; Psalm 8; 2 Corinthians 13:11 -13; Matthew 28: 16-20.